Thursday 12 April 2018


 In my earlier submission on the topic, I indicated that the role of the teacher in the 21st century must change to reflect the changes at the education front. It is my aim to reiterate this point further by looking at my own position as a teacher. The question before us is should the 21st century teacher be a manager or a mentor? Can a teacher manage a virtual classroom effectively?
For purposes of readers who may not be familiar with the term virtual classroom it is simply a class which is handle in the cloud via the internet.
In the virtual classroom the teacher has a role to play. he cannot perpetually leave the students to their faith to decide for themselves. This is why we have learning management systems(LMS) to help teachers manage such classes.
Yes, they have to manage the system some where in time but on a scale of 100%, they have to do 80% to 90% mentorship of the students in this environment. The reason is simple that you cannot be in the classroom all the time. However your presence can be felt through the notifications you send to the students regularly, prompt marking of their assignments, giving of comments and prompt responses to their queries. The 21st century education is largely moving into a virtual classroom so the brick and mortal situation where teachers are all in all doing everything will be a thing of the past. Some few weeks back in the country the education front witnessed a situation where male teachers of a particular senior high school(SHS) were accussed of having amorous relationship with their female students. Is there a way of minimising such situations in our schools by turning our teachers into tutors? please let me read your comments

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